Tuesday, 17 March 2009

IGN: Community Focus: The Old Republic

There's an article over at IGN where Sean Dahlberg, community manager at BioWare Austin (where they're making Star Wars: The Old Republic), details what community management is and how it has changed.

Though the title says "The Old Republic" there's really nothing in it specific to that game (in fact when Sean even mentions specific games he mentions all of BioWare's games equally), so I filed this under BioWare instead. Even so it's a good read and a nice insight in what goes on in community management for The Old Republic too.

Here's an excerpt:
It will be interesting to see where we go. While the field has evolved since its inception, it is still in its infancy. Companies are increasingly learning how beneficial it can be to their products to have strong, healthy communities. For example, the one I work for, BioWare, has a very established commitment that is evident in the communities that have sprung up around Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age: Origins, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Our fan base is incredibly dedicated, and we rely on the members' support and input to help ensure our games meet their expectations of quality.
Good luck, Sean. I know that pre-release communities aren't always easy (fans always demanding so much and often completely wrong about a game). And Star Wars: The Old Republic is certainly no exception. But I'm sure you have things well in hand, and thanks for the insights.

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